Amazing Health Benefits Of 20 Fruits And Vegetables

Fruits and vegetables are a vital part of a person’s diet, reducing the risk for a variety of chronic diseases like heart disease and cancer…

#11: Apple

An apple a day keeps the doctor away – this statement couldn’t be more true! Apples are rich in phytochemicals (naturally occurring substances) that have been linked to a decreased risk for chronic diseases like heart disease, asthma, diabetes, and even cancer. The strong antioxidant properties of the apples make them able to fight the spread of cancer cells and increases in serum cholesterol.

#12: Aloe Vera

In traditional folk medicine, the use of aloe vera to manage diabetic symptoms is famous in its own right. Aloe vera, typically topically used to relieve swelling and itchiness, can also manage serum glucose levels – high levels of which characterize diabetes. Another study also found that aloe vera promotes neural health, able to protect the nerves in the brain through anti-inflammatory properties.

#13: Artichoke

Artichokes are known for hepatoprotective abilities – or the ability to protect the liver from damage. A study found that artichoke – known for its scientific name as – known for its scientific name as Cynara scolymus – is hepatocurative, able to “cure” the effects of liver damage caused by toxic chemicals like carbon tetrachloride (CCI-4). Artichoke does this by reducing oxidative stress on liver tissue. You can include artichoke in your diet for a boost in antioxidants.

#14: Blackberries

Blackberries are typically seen on pies and cakes – but they are best eaten fresh! These fruits have high amounts of phenolic compounds, tannins, and anthocyanins, which exhibit strong antioxidant properties. Blackberries also have antibacterial abilities againsts H. pylori, as well as abilities to fight heart disease because of anti-inflammatory and anti-thrombotic properties.

#15: Oranges

Oranges are rich in vitamin C, a substance that is known as a strong immune booster. Vitamin C is able to protect us from chronic inflammatory diseases, as well as bacterial and viral conditions. Oranges have also been found to be rich in flavonoids and lycopene, which have been suggested to fight a variety of cancers.

#16: Beans

While green vegetables – including green beans – are known for their antioxidant capabilities because of high phenolic content. A study on green bean drinks published in 2015 also discovered that the vegetable can relieve fatigue. The study focused on the swimming time of athletes, which was prolonged after drinking green juice made from beans.

#17: Beets

The red staining power of beets is often a deterrent in choosing the vegetable despite its nutritional value. Beets have the ability to prevent and protect the kidneys from damage. Treatment with beet extracts has shown that it is able to reduce oxidative stress, inflammation, and cell death – reducing kidney damage and injury.

#18: Mangoes

A fruit of the tropics, mangoes are famous for their sweet and fresh taste. They are also best eaten raw (like most fruits) but are popularly used in drinks like shakes and desserts like tarts and pies. However, the real treat when it comes to mangoes is their vitamin C content and antioxidant abilities. They are anti-obesigenic, anti-inflammatory, anti-carcinogenic, and anti-diabetic.

#19: Broccoli

Broccoli may be a “gross vegetable” to kids, but it packs quite a punch in the nutritional department. It is a great source of phytochemicals that fight cancer and strengthen the immune system. Different studies have all supported broccoli’s ability to fight numerous health conditions like influenza (also known as the flu), reducing flu symptoms through anti-inflammatory powers, and bladder cancer, by preventing the spread of cancer cells.

#20: Cabbage

Cabbage is popularly used in salads and different vegetable dishes. With its rather plain taste, it is perfect to be mixed with other vegetables and varieties of meat. But despite simple flavor, it can actually fight cancer! In 2015, a study found that cabbage had the ability to inhibit tumor growth, fighting the genomes that are responsible for cancer.



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