How To Clean Your Old Cookie Sheet

When I moved into my Jersey City apartment my Grandma gave me some of her cookie sheets as a gift. Two years and many batches of cookies later these sheets have seen better days! I decided I should share my trick to get them looking brand new! (almost)

how to clean your old cookie sheet, cleaning tips, how to

Step 1. First I made my cleaning mixture that consists of baking soda and hydrogen peroxide. I mix these two together until they are a paste like consistency.

how to clean your old cookie sheet, cleaning tips, how to

Step 2. Next, I spread the mixture over the entire sheet. Make sure not to use a heavy hand otherwise it will never dry.

how to clean your old cookie sheet, cleaning tips, how to

Step 3. After letting it dry for about 3 hours I took a sponge and wiped it all off, scrubbing the really dirty parts.

how to clean your old cookie sheet, cleaning tips, how to

After you give it a good rinse off, it should be looking good as new!

how to clean your old cookie sheet, cleaning tips, how to

I hope this post finds you before you begin your cookie baking or maybe even after to keep those sheets fresh and clean for years to come! Happy Holidays 🙂

how to clean your old cookie sheet, cleaning tips, how to


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