Egg Mayo Chicken

the MOST DELICIOUS thing you can do with egg

The easy and delicious Egg Mayo Chicken recipe:


900g Chicken Breast
2 tbsp Rice wine
4 tbsp Cajun seasoning
2 tbsp minced garlic
Chicken seasoning powder
Parsley-Pink Pepper

(Egg mayo sauce)

1 Apple
4 Jalapeno
6 Boiled egg
4 tbsp Mayonnaise
2 tsp mustard sauce
2tspWhole grain mustard


1.Season chicken breast with rice wine, cajun seasoning, minced garlic, salt, and pepper and let rest in the fridge for 30 minutes.
2.Dissolve one half of chicken seasoning powder in water.
3.Dip chicken breast in Step 2 and in dry chicken seasoning powder to deep fry.
4.Heat oil to 180’C and deep fry chicken twice until well browned.
5.Chop apple, jalapeno, boiled egg in pieces, and add mayonnaise-mustard-whole grain mustard to make the sauce.
6.Pour sauce on top of chicken.
7.Serve with parsley and pink pepper.

Egg Mayo Chicken recipe

Enjoy The yummy Egg Mayo Chicken

Other yummy chicken recipes:

Oohey Gooey Chocolate Cake